onsdag 4 mars 2009

Good governance - nyckelfaktor för hållbar ekonomisk utveckling

Europarådets kommunalkongress är indelad i två kamrar; den lokala respektive den regionala. Jag är ledamot av den regionala kammaren. Och här har vi just nu antagit en rapport om det som rubriken anger.

Uno Aldegren (S) har varit rapportör. På engelska sammanfattas rapporten på detta sätt: Regions in Europe are subject to profound transformations as a consequence of global phenomena. They are facing new economic challenges and also have to adapt to demographic trends, improve their energy efficiency and combat climate change. Their future in a globalised world depends largely on their creativity, their capacity to innovate and their ability to foster cooperation.

Sustainable economic development is not only dependent on tangible assets or on human capital. Regional authorities’ good governance practices, their ethical conduct and their capacity to promote a climate of confidence with citizens and local stakeholders are essential elements to reinforce regional attractivness.
To achieve this, as advocated in the European Charter of Regional Democracy, greater regional autonomy, effective application of the principle of subsidiarity and new forms of political participation are required.

Den andre svenske rapportören har varit Jens Nilsson (S) som i lokala kammaren föredragit rapporten Interkulturella samhällen. En kort sammanfattning på engelska är denna:

European cities have a fundamental role to play in promoting cultural identities, diversity and cultural exchanges. Best practices stemming from 12 pilot cities should enable to identify implementation strategies to be recommended to other cities and communities to promote intercultural relations.

The objective of the Council of Europe’s programme is to foster cultural diversity, recognising the contribution of different cultural groups to the social coherence of cities. This project recommends a pro-active intercultural integration policy prioritising professional integration, housing and citizenship and encouraging the development of a culturally inclusive identity through public debate, cultural events and work with the media.

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